Intention Candle

Intention candles are made using dried herbs and flower pedals.

Burn them in an open area and never leave them unattended.

Always trim your wick before relighting your candle, taking care that there are no dry herbs or stones touching the wick as the wax melts. You may wish to push any herbs or stones away from the wick to avoid wick-flooding from extinguishing the flame.

What are Intention Candles?

Intention candles are used to create focus and encourage preesence through the power of visualization.

They can be used to help realize your wishes and desires.

Our Intention Candles are created using essential oil scents, herbs and crystals specific to each intention.

When you light your candle, it illuminates your intentions. By meditating on your desires or goals, it releases your intentions out to the universe.

Personally, I have been using Intention Candles for years. I amplify mine by writing my desire or goal on a slip of thin paper and, using long tweezers, burning it in the candle's flame.

I then collect all the ashes in a fire-proof vessel. The crystals are collected after the candle is spent and saved to be used on my altar or else they are taken outside along with the remains of the candle and given to Mother Earth.

I never blow out an intention candle, I, instead, smother the flame. By the act of blowing out a flame signifies an end. The idea is that overpowering them with the breath (being either the element of Air or the breath of life force) is disrespectful to the element of Fire.