The word “rune” simply means mystery, whisper or secret. It is a form of divination or oracle reading system that is used to help gain insight into situations or questions.

Runes stem from an ancient form of Germanic and Nordic tribes of Northern Europe, Scandinavia and Britain used for writing, divination and magical purposes. Runic symbols have been found on stones, jewelry and weapons dating back to the 3rd Century A.D., but it is likely they existed long before that.

Runes can be used to help guide you through problems or issues. They are not a form of fortune telling and don't offer exact answers, rather, they offer different variables and suggest how you could behave if the event does occur. Runes are known for hinting towards answers, but leaving you to work out the details, where intuition is helpful.


The 3 Rune Layout is ideal for beginners. With this cast, randomly select 3 runes from your bag and place them on the table in front of you.

Rune #1 should be placed on the right; Rune #2 in the middle and Rune #3 on the left.

Rune #1 represents your situation or question.

Rune #2 represents a challenge.

Rune #3 represents a possible course of action that could be taken.